Monday 25 July 2016



Head Hunting  
We could be your partners in assisting you to find the right people for your operation for all positions from Department Head to Managers at a competitive fee with a reliable and accountable process of selecting and recruiting. 

Staffing / Human Resources
We focus in finding and fulfill the demand of professional Hotelier, especially for out of Indonesia.

We could assist in finding the right person in order to align with the business plan of the establishment at a competitive fee.

Selecting & recruiting
We could assist you to held recruitment in Indonesia, by arranging the venue, facilities up to local advertisement and doing the preliminary interview to sort out potential candidates and shorten your time in doing selecting & recruiting for your suitable candidates. 
We could assist you to find the right person from Rank and File staff up to Department Head Level in various Departments in Hotel, such as :
·        Human Resources and Training Department,
·        Front Office Department,
·        Housekeeping Department,
·        Food and Beverage Service,
·        Food Production,
·        Finance,
·        Engineering, and 
·        Other required departments.


Handling the employment legal paper of candidates
·        Passport,
·        Manpower Department of Indonesia,
·        Immigration,
·        Etc.

System Implementation

· Pre-opening · Operation 

We could also assist a small range hotel with a tailor made aligning to the establishment with :

· HRIS (Human Resources Information System), 
   · Employee Data System, 
   · Payroll,  · Training Record
· Hotel Management System,
· Maintenance control System,

· POS (Point Of Sales)

Hotel Management

We offer an integral service at a reasonable fee, will put your property working at its best. To proceed with a management Contract we will first make feasibility study and continue with 'Hotel Operation Evaluation' in order to establish the Hotel is suitable with current situation, trend and opportunities.

We will manage your property with the same care and attention as if we were the owners. We will maximize your ROI and EBITDA. Our management expertise spans the full spectrum of services required to develop and operate a successful hotel.


Well-accomplished investments are the main key of success in a company that wants to be competitive and lead the market 

Development Services 
All the works and projects require a degree of knowledge and specialization. Without them, their investments can lose great part of their value.  
Asset Management  
It is the key to success. Working with a high degree of knowledge and professionalism, the management defines the level of attainment of results in the companies. 
Marketing and Commercialization  
At the moment Marketing has become the previous tool to the creation of any product or service. First we must be in touch with the client’s requires in order to create the product adapted to its demand.  
Undercover customer  
To learn more about customer satisfaction you must experience what your clients do when they interact with your company. We can provide our “mysterious shopper” to determine and measure the quality levels in your business. 
Facilitating Training 
We could also assist you in facilitating your training program both in theoretical and practical training for your selected staff prior to send to your property, with term and condition applied.
PT. Syahid Indah Utama (Suindah) commit to be a reliable and accountable partner for the owners in providing every required products and services at an affordable rate while ensuring maximized the return of investment to stakeholders. PT. Syahid Indah Utama (Suindah) was established in 4 July 2003, with major field in Mines and has been growth and expand to become several potential divisons, such as :Steam Coal,Iron Sands & Iron Ore,- Fisheries,General TradingEngineering,Hospital Development,Power Plant Development,Hospitality Division.

 Steam Coal

Location              :   Berau  –  East Kalimantan
Area                    :   6.800 ha
Deposit               :   120 million metric tons
Type of Business  :   Exploration & Exploitation
Location              :   Batu Licin – South Kalimantan
Area                    :   1.000 ha
Deposit               :   40 million metric tons
Type of Business  :   Trading

 Iron Sand

Location                :   Seluma  –  Bengkulu
Area                     :   20.000 ha
Deposit                 :   10 million metric tons
Type of Business   :   Exploration & Exploitation

 Iron Ore

Location                :   Pleihari, Tanah Laut
                                South Kalimantan
Area                      :   65 ha
Deposit                 :   4 million metric tons
Type of Business    :   Trading